Grigory Sokolov © Oscar Tursunov
Grigory Sokolov, Klavier
Großer Saal
Grigory Sokolov, Klavier
Johann Sebastian Bach
Duetto Nr. 1 e-moll BWV 802 (Clavier-Übung III) (1739))
Duetto Nr. 2 F-Dur BWV 803 (Clavier-Übung III) (1739))
Duetto Nr. 3 G-Dur BWV 804 (Clavier-Übung III) (1739))
Duetto Nr. 4 a-moll BWV 805 (Clavier-Übung III) (1739))
Partita Nr. 2 c-moll BWV 826 (1726–1731)
Frédéric Chopin
Vier Mazurken op. 30 (1836–1837)
Mazurka G-Dur op. 50/1 (1842)
Mazurka As-Dur op. 50/2 (1842)
Mazurka cis-moll op. 50/3 (1842)
Robert Schumann
Waldszenen op. 82 (1848–1849)
Alexander Skrjabin
Prélude e-moll op. 11/4 (24 Préludes) (1888–1896)
Frédéric Chopin
Mazurka cis-moll op. 63/3 (1846)
Étude f-moll op. 25/2 (1836)
Henry Purcell
Chaconne g-moll Z 730 (1680 ca.)
Frédéric Chopin
Mazurka F-Dur op. 68/3 (1829)
Johann Sebastian Bach
Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ BWV 639 (Orgel-Büchlein) (1713–1717 ca.)
Subscription series
Klavier im Großen Saal
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
Exquisite »piano exercise«: Baroque keyboard art meets Romanticism
Grigory Sokolov is a solitaire: for years, the pianist, who was born in 1950 in what was then Leningrad and had a meteoric career that began at the Tchaikovsky Competition, has performed exclusively as a soloist. The pianist, who only gives a few interviews, thinks intensively about his recital programs and only announces them late. His fan base eagerly awaits the recitals for months, which can range from Johann Sebastian Bach's compositions to Beethoven's piano sonatas and Schumann's Pieces right through to the 20th century. The veil has already been lifted for the upcoming recital: grand seigneur Sokolov juxtaposes Baroque keyboard artistry from Bach's multi-part »Clavier-Übung« with gems from the Romantic salons. In the second half, the audience can expect a selection of Chopin's Mazurkas and Schumann's »Waldszenen« op. 82.
Program sheet