Janoska Ensemble
Ondrej Janoska, Violine
Roman Janoska, Violine
František Janoska, Klavier
Julius Darvas, Kontrabass
Omer Meir Wellber, Akkordeon
Thomas Hampson, Bariton
Bandi Janoska, Violine
Arpád Janoska, Gesang
Veronika Vitázková, Fujara
Dominik Cipár, Tanz
Dominika Kožušníková, Tanz
Jaroslav Ihring, Tanz
Natália Varechová, Tanz
Johann Strauß (Sohn)
Ouverture zu »Die Fledermaus« (Bearbeitung: Janoska Ensemble) (1874)
František Janoska
Symphonie Nr. 1 »Impressions along the Danube«
Gejza Dusik
Pieseň o rodnej zemi (Bearbeitung: František Janoska)
František Janoska
Musette pour Fritz. Hommage à Fritz Kreisler (Bearbeitung: František Janoska)
Emmerich Kálmán
Komm, Zigany (Arie des Tassilo aus »Gräfin Mariza«) (Bearbeitung: František Janoska) (1924)
Johannes Brahms
Ungarischer Tanz Nr. 1 g-moll (Bearbeitung: Janoska Ensemble) (1868)
František Janoska
Souvenir pour Elise (nach Themen von Ludwig van Beethovens Bagatelle a-moll »Für Elise« WoO 59)
Cole over Beethoven. Paraphrase über Ludwig van Beethovens »Mondscheinsonate« und Cole Porters »Night & Day«
Michel Legrand
What are you doing the rest of your life?
Luis Demetrio, Pablo Beltrán Ruiz
George Gershwin
Embraceable you (Girl crazy) (1930)
Fascinating rhythm. Fox (Lady, be Good) (1924)
František Janoska
Shark in the Danube (nach Themen von Johann Strauß und Kurt Weill)
Vittorio Vincenzo Monti
Csárdás (Bearbeitung: Janoska Ensemble) (1904)
Johann Sebastian Bach
3. Satz: Allegro (Konzert für zwei Violinen, Streicher und Basso continuo d-moll BWV 1043) (Bearbeitung: Janoska Ensemble) (1717–1723)
Medienpartner Ö1 Club
Mulatság is the Hungarian word for party, and what Janoska means has also already gotten around: rousing music from all style directions and musical improvisation at the highest level. Already on New Year's Eve in 2017, the Janoska Ensemble staged a lavish party entitled »The Big Mulatság« at the Vienna Konzerthaus. The Janoskas celebrated that night with top-class guests from a wide variety of backgrounds, and something similar can be expected now, when they plan a new edition under the title »The Big Mulatság Reloaded«. So far, the star baritone Thomas Hampson and folk opera music director Omer Meir Wellber have been confirmed as guests: the conductor, who previously led the traditional New Year's Eve performance of Beethoven's Ninth, will appear here as an accordionist.