Josef Hader © Lukas Beck
Brad Mehldau © Rick Swig #
Wolfgang Puschnig © Lukas Beck
Thomas Quasthoff © Lukas Beck/Wiener Konzerthaus
Grenzenlos Musik
1 Konzert im Großen Saal
4 Konzerte im Mozart-Saal
Saalplan mit 6 Kategorien (Großer Saal)Saalplan mit 6 und 4 Kategorien (Mozart-Saal)
Crossing genre boundaries characterizes this cycle for the curious: Thomas Quasthoff, who has dedicated himself to jazz since his departure as a classical singer, undertakes a »Half-Century Tour« together with his quartet as well as saxophonist Bill Evans and trombonist Nils Landgren; singer Stella Grigorian and actor Karl Markovics create a tribute to Charles Aznavour; jazz pianist and composer Brad Mehldau explores the world of French late Romantic composer Gabriel Fauré. Wolfgang Puschnig dresses Alpine folklore in the sound of the present with his project Alpine Aspects. And Josef Hader, Yvonne Gesler and David Steffens devote themselves to songs and texts about drunkenness.
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