Graindelavoix © CC FA 2022
Resonanzen: Graindelavoix / Schmelzer
»Media vita in morte sumus«
Floris De Rycker, Laute
Björn Schmelzer, Leitung
Nicolas Gombert
Media vita in morte sumus
Ludwig Senfl
Media vita in morte sumus
Pierre de Manchicourt
Media vita in morte sumus
John Sheppard
Media vita in morte sumus
Gregor Lange
Media vita in morte sumus
Orlando di Lasso
Media vita in morte sumus (1573))
Jacobus de Kerle
Media vita in morte sumus
José Gay
Media vita in morte sumus
Peter Philips
Media vita in morte sumus
Jacobus Gallus
Media vita in morte sumus
Nicolas Gombert
Agnus Dei (Missa »Media vita in morte sumus«)
Medienpartner Ö1 Club und Der Standard
Subscription series
Resonanzen »Alte Meister«
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
Media vita in morte sumus
»It's all ridiculous when you think about death«, said Thomas Bernhard in 1968, as unsentimentally as he was pathetically, at the award ceremony for the Austrian State Prize for Literature. And he knew what he was talking about. After all - as he put it elsewhere - the »bird of death« in the form of the lung disease Morbus Boeck had been sitting on his shoulder since his youth. The Belgian ensemble Graindelavoix takes up a characteristic feature of Bernhard's style on the basis of very different musicalizations of the same chorale verses of »Media vita in morte sumus« (›In the midst of life we are surrounded by death‹) by composers of the 15th and 16th centuries: the insistent permutation as a developing variation.