Robin Ticciati © Camille Blake
Wiener Symphoniker / Cargill / Spyres / Ticciati
Mahler: Das Lied von der Erde
19:30 – ca. 20:45
Großer Saal
Wiener Symphoniker
Karen Cargill, Mezzosopran
Michael Spyres, Tenor
Robin Ticciati, Dirigent
Gustav Mahler
Das Lied von der Erde. Eine Symphonie für eine Tenor- und eine Alt-Stimme und Orchester (1908–1909)
Dieses Konzert wird im Rahmen einer Kooperation zwischen der Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft und den Wiener Symphonikern veranstaltet. Weitere Informationen zur Datenverarbeitung bei Kooperationsveranstaltungen, Speicherdauer und Ihren Rechten finden Sie in unserer
Subscription series
Festkonzerte der Wiener Symphoniker
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
»... the most personal ... thing I have done so far«
Gustav Mahler's »Lied von der Erde«, written in the threshold years 1908
and 1909, so critical in music history, but not premiered until the
fall of 1911, six months after the composer's death, by his friend Bruno
Walter in Munich, is one of the most enchanting creations of late
Romanticism and at the same time one of the most radiant beacons of
modernism in those turbulent times. The Vienna Symphony Orchestra will
open its season at the Vienna Konzerthaus in early October with this
very special work. Robin Ticciati, who holds central positions in
international musical life as chief conductor of the Deutsches
Symphonie-Orchester Berlin and music director of the Glyndebourne
Festival Opera, will be at the conductor's podium. Soloists are the
celebrated American tenor Michael Spyres and Scottish mezzo-soprano
Karen Cargill, who launched her career with the prestigious Kathleen
Ferrier Award.