Patricia Nolz © Lukas Gansterer
Patricia Nolz, Mezzosopran
19:30 – ca. 21:15
Patricia Nolz, Mezzosopran
Malcolm Martineau, Klavier
Robert Schumann
Die Blume der Ergebung op. 83/2 (Drei Gesänge) (1850)
Liebeslied op. 51/5 (Lieder und Gesänge) »Dir zu eröffnen mein Herz« (1849)
Stille Tränen op. 35/10 (Kerner-Lieder) (1840)
Du bist wie eine Blume op. 25/24 (Myrten) (1840)
Mein Wagen rollet langsam op. 142/4 (Vier Gesänge) (1840)
Hugo Wolf
Auf einer Wanderung (Mörike-Lieder Nr. 15) (1888)
Um Mitternacht (Mörike-Lieder Nr. 19) (1888)
Begegnung (Mörike-Lieder Nr. 8) (1888)
Das verlassene Mägdlein (Mörike-Lieder Nr. 7) (1888)
Heimweh (Mörike-Lieder Nr. 37) (1888)
Alexander Zemlinsky
Sechs Gesänge nach Texten von Maurice Maeterlinck op. 13 (1910–1913)
Robert Schumann
Frauenliebe und -leben op. 42 (1840)
Hugo Wolf
Verborgenheit (Mörike-Lieder Nr. 12) (1888)
Werner Richard Heymann
Irgendwo auf der Welt (Aus dem Film »Ein blonder Traum«, Regie: Paul Martin, D 1932) (1932)
Subscription series
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
Great emotions from a young woman
As a »Great Talent«, Patricia Nolz already impressed last season as a Lied interpreter and as an oratorio singer in Mendelssohn's »Paulus«. At the Vienna State Opera, she most recently slipped into the role of Cherubino, with which she first caused a sensation as a stand-in at the Theater an der Wien in 2020. Now the musical high-flyer can be heard in the Mozart Hall with selected songs by Schumann, Zemlinsky and Wolf as well as Schumann's cycle »Frauenliebe und -leben«. For once, love is told here from the perspective of a woman. From today's perspective, Adalbert Chamisso's poems may be outdated and too much conceived in terms of an outdated female role. What remains valid, however, is the empathetic portrayal of feelings: »I think that is the central theme of this cycle: it is about the great feelings of a young woman going through falling in love for the first time, motherhood and the loss of her beloved partner, and these are feelings that affect all people and nothing that is forfeited after 200 years«, says the young mezzo-soprano. Patricia Nolz has already proven many times that she knows how to convey such things with truthfulness and emotional depth using her warm voice.