Vilde Frang © Marco Borggreve
Fabio Luisi © Monika Ritterhaus
Wiener Symphoniker / Frang / Luisi
19:30 – ca. 21:40
Großer Saal
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
Elgar's Violin Concerto
»I wish Elgar would compose something for the violin. He could, and it would certainly hit.« Thus challenged in 1905 by an interview with Fritz Kreisler, Edward Elgar did not take long to respond and, having completed his First Symphony project, composed a concerto for the instrument he himself also played: the violin. A few years and stages of composition later, Elgar in turn met his admirer Kreisler, who, looking at the score, said, »I'll make Queen's Hall shake with this«. At the Vienna Konzerthaus, where the violin concerto has been performed only three times, this task now falls to the Norwegian violinist Vilde Frang, Artist in Residence of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra.
Program sheet