Company of Music © Katharina Koutnig
Rota Fortunae Wien / Company of Music / Hiemetsberger
Company of Music
Rota Fortunae Wien
David Bergmüller, Theorbe
Johannes Hiemetsberger, Leitung
Marc-Antoine Charpentier
Antiennes O de l'Avent H 36–43 (1693 ca.)
Magnificat H 80
Akos Banlaky
Drei Mariengesänge nach R. M. Rilke (2023) (UA)
Marc-Antoine Charpentier
Canticum in nativitatem Domini H 393 (1682)
Messe de minuit pour Noël H 9 (1694 ca.)
Il est né, le divin enfant »Das göttliche Kind ist geboren«. Weihnachtslied aus Frankreich
Subscription series
Company of Music
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
Cantica in nativitatem Domini
Marc-Antoine Charpentier is considered one of the greatest composers of the 17th century and left posterity an extremely extensive oeuvre of the greatest variety and highest musical quality. In his Messe de minuit pour Noël H 9, probably composed for Christmas 1694, he used several French Christmas carols popular at the time in the style of the early parody mass. With this work, he achieved the perfect synthesis of secular and liturgical music, of pleasing and sophisticated composition and created a model for later composers. His motet »Canticum in nativitatem Domini« focuses on the proclamation of the birth of Jesus Christ to the shepherds, followed by a hymn of praise to the heavenly child and the Virgin Mary. These two works by Charpentier and other works by contemporary composers, some of which are being performed for the first time, will be performed by the Company of Music together with the instrumental ensemble Rota Fortunae Wien, which specializes in High Baroque music, and the lutenist David Bergmüller on the theorbo, who is equally at home in historical performance practice and New Music.
Program sheet